Mohammad A. AlKazimi
Kuwait Oil Company
Title: Investigating new risk reduction and mitigation selection strategies in the petroleum industry
Biography: Mohammad A. AlKazimi
The currently used of both qualitative and quantitative risk assessment tools “fall short in identifying and ranking potential risks” in the petroleum industry and they “fail to demonstrate that risks have been reduced as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP)” (Fitzgerald, 2004, p. 3). Moreover, the tools are “limited to large, complex, and expensive studies” (Fitzgerald, 2004, p. 3). Because accidents due to both human errors and electromechanical failures still occur and result in various consequences, critics have raised concerns about the petroleum industry’s safety and risk mitigation credentials and question its ability to prevent major accidents. My main focus in my research is to introduce new methods that provide more detailed and structure information to decision makers. They are more robust and easier-to-use so that novice engineers can successfully apply them without experts’ need. In addition, In addition, implementing an effective safety culture is essential to protect employees as well as enhancing the students’ safety awareness. Students need to be able to identify hazards, assess the risk associated with them, and respond to an emergency situation, should they occur. Therefore, The proposed launch of Health, Safety, and Environment focus area in the Petroleum Engineering Department at Kuwait University will boost the credentials of both the department and the university as pioneers in that in that field within academia in the Gulf region.